Hattie Weselyk Studio

Keum-boo Workshop
with Amy Iversen

May 13 (Saturday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
180 minutes

Jewelry Studio

Keum-boo is an ancient Korean gilding technique used to apply thin sheets of gold to fine silver using heat as a catalyst, to make silver-gilt. In this workshop you will learn how to add this technique into your jewelry making toolbox and add an extra level of finesse to your finished pieces. You will be creating either a necklace pendant OR a pair of earrings using a rolling mill to create texture, a jeweler’s saw and jeweler’s files to refine your shape and adding 24K gold leaf for that extra special touch.

Saturday, May 13, 2023
Tuition: $59
$45 materials fee payable to instructor includesfine silver and 24K gold foil


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